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Welcome to
Year 1


Our class teacher is:

Mrs Haigh-Churchill

Our class teaching assistants is:

Miss Jackson

General Information


By the end of Year 1, children are expected to be able to read and write the common exception words. Please practise these as much as possible at home. Thank you.


Bug club:

Your child will recieve an independent log in, the password for all children is YEAR1 and the school code is HGCP. If you require another copy of your log-in please let me know. Also explore active learn for Abacus (maths) and phonics bug. Have fun! 


Every Friday your child will be set a homework task, either Maths or English plus a few of our harder to read and spell words to learn. Occasionally we may send home a piece of topic homework or small project. Homework should be completed and brought back into school by the following Wednesday.  


Reading is such an important factor in enhancing your child's learning and development. Therefore, we hope that you can join us in helping your child to develop a love for reading! We would appreciate it if you could read with your child at least three times a week. Your child can read their own books as well as their school reading books and also accessing 'bug club'. Please encourage your children to re-read your book multiple times to reinforce fluency with reading.

We love hearing all about their favourite stories and sharing them with the class! Only send your child in with their reading book on a  Thursday ready to be changed and a new book to be given out on Fridays.  Please use the app, ' Boom Read’ to comment on how your child is reading on the online reading record. 


In Year 1, we are using the block handwriting policy and so your children will learn to write in this style. We would really love it if you could encourage your child to further develop their handwriting when doing any work at home. There is a large range of resources and apps available online for them to practice. However, if you have any questions or would like any resources please feel        free to come and ask. 


For information on the school value which is being focused on this term click here. 

Please use the links below to access our Online Learning Platforms.

Log-in details for Bug Club and Numbots can be found on your child's Class Dojo portfolio.



We invite all parents to dive into our Curriculum, a unique educational journey designed to ignite your child's curiosity and passion for learning. Discover how we nurture creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for knowledge, making every day an adventure in education. Your child's dreams start here!

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