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Welcome to
Year 3


Our class teacher is:

Miss Holt

General Information


We love reading in Y3H and we are currently reading ‘The Bolds.’ 

As a school we have a digital strategy approach to learning and everyone in Year 3  has an I-Pad to enhance our learning. 

We look forward to sharing with you all of our fantastic learning through a skills and knowledge based curriculum. 



Class Dojo is our online learning platform and will be used as a way of communicating and keeping parents and carers up to date with regular goings on in Year 3H. 

All children in Year 3H will be given a log in and a parent log in, in order for you to keep up to date with messages and important information. If a parent or career wishes to speak to a member of the Year 3 team, ClassDojo or phone calls will be used to discuss any relevant matters.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Interactive learning resources-

Bug Club, Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars and Century Tech

All children have log in access to the following online resources to enhance and support our learning.

  • Bug Club is a great online reading resource for you to read online books to improve your fluency and comprehension skills.  

  • As you are aware we now have access to the fantastic Spelling Shed which is an online spellings resource.  Should you have any problems accessing Spelling Shed please let me know.  

  • TT Rockstars is an interactive timetable resource that we now have access to in school and at home. It is a fun way for us to learn our timetables, challenge each other and the teacher!

  • Century Tech is an online learning platform that learns what your child specifically needs to support them. Please do not answer the questions for your child as the technology tailors itself to what your child needs based on what they know and what they need support with.


Every Friday, children will receive  two pieces of homework. These could be on Century Tech or on Showbie.

Homework will usually be Maths, English or Topic based, which will link in with the work we have been learning in lessons. We are hoping that this will help consolidate children's learning.

It is really important that homework is completed by the following Friday. 

Times Table tests will take place every Friday.


  • PE kits must be available in school on PE days. This consists of plain (black) bottoms/shorts, a white t-shirt, pumps (for indoor PE) and trainers (for outdoor PE).

  • Please remove earrings before children come to school on dance and PE days. If children cannot remove their earrings they will not be able to participate due to health and safety reasons.

  • PE for Year 3H is on a  Monday and Wednesday. On Friday the children go swimming . Please make sure jewellery is removed and all hair is tied back.

Here is a great website for all your topic needs, covering the complete primary curriculum. 



For information on the school value which is being focused on this term click here. 

Please use the links below to access our Online Learning Platforms.

Log-in details for Bug Club and Numbots can be found on your child's Class Dojo portfolio.



We invite all parents to dive into our Curriculum, a unique educational journey designed to ignite your child's curiosity and passion for learning. Discover how we nurture creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for knowledge, making every day an adventure in education. Your child's dreams start here!

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